Posts Tagged With: explanation

I’ve Been Cursed(or Why I Haven’t Blogged Lately)

      There are a great many things I don’t necessarily believe in. The undead, fairies, and unicorns all fall under that category. Up until a week and a half ago, so did curses.

      But what other explanation is there when you break four computers in three days?!

      All dramatics aside, my newfound ability to throw a whammy on all electronic devices within ten paces really is why my posts suddenly dried up. My Internet access has been severely limited, due to the fact that my regular computer, Winston, passed away of unexplained heart failure(something odd in the motherboard to the layman). My tablet has unfortunately lost its mind(and its wifi capabilities, sadly), the poor dear. The ancient laptop I borrowed from my father refused to be at all helpful the moment I touched it(and withheld the Internet once again). And finally the laptop my mother uses to entertain the babysitting kids threw a tantrum and refused to accept any sustenance(translation: the power supply failed) when I tried to use it.

     Ergo, I came to the conclusion that I must be cursed. Or extraordinarily unlucky.

    Either way, that is my explanation, and, now that most of the issues have been temporarily resolved, I shall try to get things up and running before I leave for the wilds of the Southwest.

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